
How Animals Adapt to Their Surroundings - Albatros Media

$ 22.00 · 4.6 (613) · In stock

Why do animals of the desert have big ears and light-coloured coats? Penguins are surrounded by ice and snow, so why aren’t they cold? Can animals to live at the bottom of steep mountains? Of course they can! Nature has arranged for every creature to adapt as well as possible to its natural surroundings. Come

Live fast, die young: study reveals why some birds mature quicker

Books about hibernation, migration, and adaptation - The Measured Mom

Albatross Chick Reclaims Nest – Wonderstruck

Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels - Black

Bird Cams FAQ: Laysan Albatross Nest

8 Amazing Albatross Facts

Can Wisdom save the world's albatross population?

Myths and Stereotypes about Animals - Albatros Media

Tasmania trials artificial shy albatross nests to help seabird

First confirmed death of adult Tristan albatross due to house mice

Thick ones, pointy ones – how albatross beaks evolved to match

Save the Albatross Friend of the Earth