
English Dee Snaffle Bit With Hooks MB 32-3 Mouth 5

$ 81.00 · 4.7 (781) · In stock

Designed to effectively communicate with any horse, and based on bitting a horse appropriately through his training, the system works by releasing points of pressure and using softer bits as the horse progresses. Stainless steel 3" dee with hooks and stai

The MB 32-3 is an innovative Myler alternative to the traditional mullen. It has three barrels which turn the mouthpiece from the typical solid bar of a mullen into a flexible bar which allows the horse to elevate his tongue and swallow more easily. When the reins are engaged, the mouthpiece becomes a solid bar like a traditional mullen, but with an exaggerated curve. This curved bar rotates across the bars and lips down on to the tongue, applying pressure across the entire surface of the tongue. The flexibility of the MB 32-3 makes it very forgiving and comforting when relaxed, but offers the rider control when engaged.

  • Independent Side Movement
  • Stainless Steel Mouthpiece
  • Curved mouthpiece does not pinch lips and bars
  • Copper Inlay
  • NOT Dressage legal


The Comfort Snaffle Wide Barrel mouthpiece featured on the Myler Western Dee Ported MB 04 Bit with Hooks is the Myler alternative to the traditional

Myler Western Dee Ported Snaffle Bit with Hooks MB 04


2023-2024 Cavalier Myler Bits Catalogue

Western D Ring Snaffle Bit

English Bits


Myler-Toklat Western Import Bits

Snaffle Bid


Myler Eggbutt without Hooks Mulen Triple Barrel Bit MB


0001 Myler Dee with Hooks Mullen Triple Barrel MB 32-3, 5, L2

Myler Eggbutt without Hooks Mulen Triple Barrel Bit MB